Our Goals And Mission

Artisan Store has been created as a specialized company in the export, distribution and commercialization of handicrafts, hand-woven tapestries and rugs, wooden and leather furniture, leather articles, giftware and jewelry from Artisans from all over the world. We offer to our Artisans, a worldwide window to make a strong liaison between them and the World-Art-Lovers.

Artisan Store has found the on-line market as the finest way to raise the artisan's life quality because the largest part of them come from a very low income families as third world members. So, as our most important mission, we want you to be part of their lives by knowing and enjoying their exquisite creations at great value. Be aware that every single time you buy a product at this store; you are helping them and their families to have a better future. Every single piece has been made with a great deal of dedication that only the majestic artisan's hand could transform in art. All our artisans have an innate personal style which makes every single article "unique".

At Artisan Store you can find also, lots of products that have been made by displaced-artisans from Society too. They have developed artistic skills as result of a new orientation to their lives and a way to move up their families. We believe as Human Beings in an equal opportunity to succeed and that is why we want you to help this artisan-sector as well.

Artists have created for centuries different points of view about how we see the world, for that reason we are so proud now to share with the entire world our artisan's works.

Welcome to Artisan Store "The Artisan's Worldwide Window"

The Artisan Store Team.


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